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Understanding Millennials Mindset- Globalization: A World View of the Future

Understanding Millennials Mindset- Globalization: A World View of the Future

“Millennials expect to create a better future, using the collaborative power of digital technology”-

Mal Fletcher


The Western Union – a global leader in cross-border, cross-currency money movement has undertaken an initiative to understand consumer’s view about Globalization and their hopes, beliefs and thoughts about the world that they wish to shape for themselves and others. They conducted a study across 15 countries and studied/surveyed Millennials views about the same. Western Union wants to meet the need of this generation of “future shapers” by enabling money movement globally, cash or cashless as they demand.

Why Millennials?

The Millennials (born between 1980-2000) amounts to 27% of the global population or about 2 billion people. Asia, has 58% of the global millennial living on the continent. India, is at the top of the chart with the largest domestic population of the millennials in the world, i.e. approx 34% of the country’s 1.3 billion population. Western Union chooses Millennials for the studies because the millennials are the most impactful and game changer generation. They have high levels of disposable incomes and are digitally connected with the world. The way they are living, growing and thrive in future will also guide the next generation. Their views are refreshing and impressive. The millennials are open and welcoming to the idea of globalization. They see future of limitless cross border movement and digital communication that will drive new creative power.

The survey shows that in India, that a better global future can be achieved through collaboration, not only at the individual level, but also the global level. A world without border is the key to better future in terms of job opportunity, communication, global peace and development in every aspect.

 Understanding Millennials Mindset: Round Table Discussion on Globalization: A World View of the Future

I was invited to attend the roundtable organized by Western Union in Mumbai at India School of Design and Innovation. Western Union invited the Influential Millennials to share their views on Globalization and their hopes, thoughts, beliefs about a world of their future and how they wish to shape the world for themselves and others.

Western Union: Millennials Round Table, ISDI, Mumbai
Western Union: Millennials Round Table, ISDI, Mumbai


The discussion was moderated by Ankit Vengurlekar, Technology Editor at Tech2 and he is famous for his blog “Gadgetwala”. He is a tech-expert and millennial influencer in the media industry and was full of energy and made the session interesting. The panel included Sohini Rajola, Regional Vice President, South Asia and Indo-China at Western Union. Other participants in the roundtable discussion were Pooja Dhingra, entrepreneur and founder of Le15 Patisserie; Karishma Mehta, founder of Humans of Bombay; Himanshu Sehgal, food and travel blogger and founder of MyYellowPlate; Siddharth Shahani, Executive Director at Indian School of Design & Innovation who were representing the millennials interests and aspirations.

Sohini Rajola, Regional Vice President, South Asia and Indo-China at Western Union begin the discussion by mentioning that, “The world is changing and there is a new economic power shift, driven by a new generation of global citizens, including here in India. They are shaping the future, and inspiring others to do the same. I too agree with what she said that “Millennials believe that shaping the future is up to them. They’re not waiting for anything. They believe in the concept of ‘personal globalization.’

Western Union: Millennials Round Table, ISDI, Mumbai
Western Union: Millennials Round Table, ISDI, Mumbai

Himanshu Sehgal, whom I have been following since the beginning of his social media journey. I have seen his journey and also how he is living the world of his dream. He shared that millennials are inspiring future shapers, who will be the leaders of tomorrow. The youths today are more aware of what they want the world to be, not only for themselves, but for all. Their strong belief in global citizenship as key to creating a world open to collaboration, cohabitation and overall development is heartening to see, and is what will shape the present and the future. And he said” If you believe in social media, social media will believe in you. And millennials have grown knowing this. They’re global citizens because of social media’ and I totally agree with him.

Western Union: Millennials Round Table, ISDI, Mumbai
Western Union: Millennials Round Table, ISDI, Mumbai

I am a big fan of Pooja Dhingra’s work and she told about her journey that what inspired her to start her journey and how she is contributing to a borderless world. She said ‘I discovered exquisite pastries in Paris & wondered why they weren’t available in India and she decided to bring those to our country.

The beautiful Karishma Mehta is not just a pretty face and she is contributing a lot to the society. She told about the success story of ‘Humans of Bombay’ and she said “Millennials are generous and positive”. She told how they first raised INR 6.5 lakhs in an hour & since then they’ve raised over 5 crores rupees using crowdfunding on social media for many causes.’ Now, that’s the power of social media.

Western Union: Millennials Round Table, ISDI, Mumbai
Western Union: Millennials Round Table, ISDI, Mumbai
A world without border is the key to create better future:

Millennials are confident that globalization will make the world a better place for themselves and others. The study  reveals that millennials are united by a belief in globalization, want the freedom to experience the opportunities it brings, and have a desire to play a role in shaping the future using technology. Western Union supports the fact that wherever there’s money moving for better, there will be an all-round improvement in education & health with many positive changes. WU  for the better future supports free movement of money which will help to connect people & create more opportunities. That is why Western Union is working to move money for better.

A big thank you to Indiblogger for making me a part of this insightful discussion. It’s was a pleasure meeting the influential millennials and fellow bloggers.

Western Union: Millennials Round Table, ISDI, Mumbai
Western Union: Millennials Round Table, ISDI, Mumbai

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